Ephemera - For Those Afraid To Die
Christ Dismembered - Ov Vampiricy CD
Tanin'iver - Dark Evils Desecrate CD
Wednesday 13 - Condolences CD
Soulfly - Savages CD | Digipak
Darkthrone - Soulside Journey
Darkthrone - Goatlord CD
Darkthrone - Astral Fortress CD
Akercocke - Choronzon CD
Silverburn - Self Induced Transcendental Annihilation CD
Venom - In Nomine Satanas 6CD+DVD Box Set
Various Artists - Dark Side of the Sacred Star 2 CD
Lorna Shore - Pain Remains CD
Mayhem - Live in Lepzig CD
Behemoth - Opcvs Contra Natvram CD
Forever Falling - Suspended Over the Immanent
Tanin'iver - The Lucifer Effect (CD)
Lichway - Soul Torment CD
Hexivoid - The Beckoning Of Celestial Tendrils
Edoma - Immemorial Existence CD